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The first paralegals were certified

On July 25, in Batumi, the training of the first paralegals enrolled in the Registry of the Legal Aid Service Paralegals was completed. Who is a paralegal? A paralegal is a non-lawyer who, after having completed a training program planned by the Lega..


Judges conducted trainings for consultants and lawyers in Batumi

During 17-23 July, In Batumi, with support from the USAID Rule of Law Program/Batumi Rule of Law Hub, thirty consultants and attorneys of the Legal Aid Service’s Batumi office had the opportunity ➡ to discuss legal problems faced by society in ..


The conference was held in Mestia

In order to raise the legal awareness of the population, within the framework of the information campaign "Let's make the law accessible to everyone" , organized by the Legal Aid Service, on July 20, in Svaneti, at the Center of Culture..


The lawyers of Legal Aid Service and  the "Rights  Georgia" held a working meeting

The lawyers of Legal Aid Service and  the "Rights  Georgia" held a working meeting on July 12, in Tbilisi Legal Aid Bureau. The meeting  was   between public attorneys and the lawyers of the "Rights  Georgia&qu..


An extended session of the Legal Aid Council was held in Borjomi

On July 13-15, with the support from the USAID Rule of Law Program, an extended session of the Legal Aid Council was held in Borjomi. The session was attended by representatives of the Service administration and bureaus, along with the members of the..


The office of the training center was opened in Kutaisi

On July 2, the Legal Aid Service Training Center was opened in Kutaisi, at #3, Station Square. The newly renovated office is equipped with all the furniture and equipment, necessary for the  Training Center. Within the framework of Continuing..


The information campaign continued in the villages of Bolnisi and Talaveri

On June 29, within the framework of the information campaign for ethnic minorities organized by the Office of the Minister of State for Reconciliation and Civil Integration, a consultant of the Rustavi Bureau of the Legal Aid Service Davit Jikia, &nb..


Trainers on sexual violence issues were trained

From June 30 to July 3, 2022, the Legal Aid Service attorneys will participate in a trainers’  training,  entitled - Sexual Violence Issues for Attorneys. The training is supported by the United Nations Women (UN WOMEN), the Swedish ..


The meeting with population held on in Shulaveri

On June 28, the second meeting with representatives of ethnic minorities was held in the village of Shulaveri, Marneuli Municipality. The consultant at the Rustavi Legal Aid  Office, Davit Jika,  and a consultant at the Marneuli Counseling ..


The information campaign continued in Marneuli

Marneuli Counseling Center consultant Lali Aludauri and Rustavi Legal Aid Bureau consultant Davit Jikia met with the members of the Marneuli Municipality Administration. They focused on the services of the Legal Aid Service, juvenile justice and the ..
