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Legal Aid Service is Preparing for Structural Reorganization

On March 11-12, Legal Aid Council members, together with LAS administration representatives, discussed the draft of new statute of Legal Aid Service at two-day workshop in Bojromi. The workshop was organized as a part of EU-UN joint program - Enhanci..


Youngsters from Poti were introduced to the issues of juvenile justice

On March 10, the lawyers of Poti Bureau of the Legal Aid Service have conducted a meeting with the juvenile beneficiaries of NGO “Belief Foundation”. The public lawyers talked to the youngsters about the issues of protection of victims..


Meeting in Sachkhere with Organization Working on the Disabled Persons’ Issues

On March 10, the LAS Sachkhere Consultation Center lawyer, Inga Nozadze met with the beneficiaries of the non-profit organization “Support to the Disabled People - Integration” and other interested parties. The meeting was held at the loc..


EU and UN Support LAS in Development of Modern Computer Technologies

With assistance of the European Union and the United Nations, Legal Aid Service continues to improve computer program – Case Bank which is used by the LAS lawyers to produce cases. A new stage of update of the program was successfully completed..


Presentation and discussion of free legal aid mapping and online platform project

At a roundtable held on February 27, 2017 in Marriot Courtyeard Hotel Legal Aid Service (LAS) and 19 other legal aid organisations discussed the possibility of creation of unified online map and online platform, which shall enable the justice system ..


Akhaltsikhe Schoolchildren Attended Seminar on Domestic Violence

On February 23, the LAS Samtskhe-Javakheti Bureau lawyers met with schoolchildren of N1 public school and held seminar on domestic violence issues at Center of Civic Engagement. The public lawyers informed the schoolchildren regarding protection i..


Seminar in N11 Rustavi Public School

On February 24, the LAS Kvemo Kartli Bureau lawyers held seminar for schoolchildren of N11 Rustavi Public School. The schoolchildren got introduced with crimes against humanity and criminal liability established for committing them. The schoolchil..


Meeting with Judges on Legal Aid Expansion Issues

On February 18, in Borjomi, the heads of Legal Aid Service held a working meeting with judges and discussed with them further expansion of free advocacy service in civil and administrative law fields. Ms. Nino Gvenetadze, the chairperson of the Supre..


Meeting with Representatives of Local Administration

Today, the LAS Kakheti-Sighnaghi Bureau lawyers held a meeting with the representatives of Dedophlistskharo Municipality local administration and the local assembly. The public lawyers informed the employees of the local administration about crite..


Meeting with Probationers in Mtskheta

The LAS bureau and the Probation bureau organized a joint meeting with probationers in Mtskheta. As a part of the meeting, the individuals with conditional sentence got introduced with their rights and responsibilities. The focus was made on such ..
