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Kutaisi Legal Aid Bureau

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Imereti-Kutaisi Bureau Started Meeting with Local Self-Government

On February 9, 2018, the LAS Imereti-Kutaisi Bureau carried out local consultation in Tskhaltubo administrative unit.
As it is known, in October, 2017, the election of the local self-government bodies was held. As a result of it, the persons on the high position were fully or partially replaced with the new ones. Accordingly, the Service found it necessary to carry out intensive meetings with the new representatives of the local self-government bodies and introduce them with work of the state organization, services if offers, legislative changes made last year, etc.

It is worth to mention that almost every day the self-government bodies have to meet with the group of the population that needs a different kind of the legal assistance. Legal Aid Service is exactly the organization that can provide socially vulnerable/insolvent people to solve their legal problems. Accordingly, the self-government bodies will redirect beneficiaries to the LAS bureaus and consultation center. 

The first meeting with the employees of Tskhaltubo Municipality self-government was conducted by the LAS Imereti-Kutaisi Legal Aid Bureau public lawyer – Sophio Kubaneishvili and the consultant – Bela Chkonia. The meeting was dedicated to such issues as the work and functions of Legal Aid Service, raising awareness of the population regarding the organization, accessibility of the LAS services. The attendees of the meeting received information brochures about Legal Aid Service.
The social programs and eligibility criteria for the programs envisaged by Tskhaltubo Municipality Budget 2018 were also the topics discussed at the meeting.

The Las Imereti-Kutaisi Legal Aid Bureau plans to carry out such meetings in the future too.