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Rustavi Legal Aid Bureau

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We celebrated World Autism Awareness Day in Rustavi Day Center "Kesane".

The Rustavi Rehabilitation and Development Centre "Kesane" was visited by officials of the Legal Aid Service on April 2, coinciding with the World Autism Awareness Day. 
Maya Nozadze, the Head of the LAS Analytical Department, gave a presentation about LAS services to the parents of the Centre beneficiaries. She concentrated on the topics of legal aid for individuals with disabilities and the role that public attorneys play in providing assistance to individuals with disabilities. 
The meeting was attended by psychologists of the Legal Aid Service, and employees of the Rustavi Legal Aid Bureau – attorneys  and consultants, who provided legal consultations to both the Center's management and the parents of the beneficiaries.
The  beneficiaries’ parents  were interested in the matters  of representation of the interests of disabled persons in court and other administrative bodies, legal procedures for the appointment of a support person, etc. It was decided that  the Legal Aid Service and the "Kesane" centre will maintain their close collaboration.