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Poti Legal Aid Bureau

Online support


A mobile center arrived in Veditkari and Kitsia

On May 28 of this year, the representatives of Poti Legal Aid Bureau held a meeting in the villages of Veditkari and Kitsia, Martvili municipality.  The attorneys  provided comprehensive information about the Legal Aid Service (LAS) ongo..


The meetings hold on Taleri and Salkhino

On May 23,  Poti Legal Aid  Bureau officials visited the villages of Taleri and Salkhino,  Martvili municipality. The attorneys  provided the residents with thorough information about the LAS ongoing services, and also introduced ..


The attorneys visited Tamakoni and Kurzu

On May 15 of this year, representatives of the Legal Aid   Service  Mobile Consulting  Center and Poti Legal Aid  Bureau visited the villages of Tamakoni and Kurzu,  Martvili municipality. The attorneys  provided informa..


The mobile consultation center went to Lekhaindrao and Bandza

May 16 of this year, the representatives of Poti  Legal Aid Bureau held a meeting in the villages of Lekhaindrao and Bandza, Abasha municipality.  Attorney Davit Gogua, consultant Salome Janjghava and specialist Magda Siordia provided the r..


At a meeting hold on in Ketilari village

The Legal Aid Service (LAS) Mobile Consulting Campaign  is still going on in the regions, with the goals of increasing access to free legal aid and raising  the public awareness about the law.  At a meeting in Ketilari village, Abasha..


A mobile counseling center arrived in the village of Sujuna

On April 18, 2024, the Director of the Legal Aid Service, David Simonia, together with  other representatives,  met the residents of Sujuna  village, Abasha Municipality.  David Simonia  gave  the audience  an ov..


Davit Simonia met with representatives of the villages of Abashi municipality

On April 17, 2024, the Director of the Legal Aid Service, David Simonia,  together with the Legal Aid Service personnel,  met  with the representatives   of Abasha Municipality City Hall, City Council, social services and vil..


Meetings were held in Khariata and Kulevi

On March 27 of this year, the representatives of Poti Legal Aid Bureau met with the residents of Kariata and Kulevi villages of Khobi Municipality. Consultant Salome Janjghava and specialist Magda Siordia provided information to the locals about the ..


The population of Akhali Sopeli and Kvemo Kvaloni benefited from the mobile counseling center

The information and mobile consultation campaign of the Legal Aid Service continues in Khobi municipality. On March 25,  the representatives of Poti Legal Aid Bureau visited the villages of  Akhalsopeli and Kvemo Kvaloni. The head of the Bu..


Residents of Khobi, Khamiskur, Kheta and Nojikhevi benefited from the mobile consultation center

On March 20-21, 2024, Natia Bojgua, Head of the Poti Legal Aid Bureau, attorney Ketevan Gvazava, and consultant Salome Janjghava visited the residents of Khobi and the villages of Nojikhevi, Kheta and Khamiskuri as part  of the  Legal Aid S..
