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Zugdidi Legal Aid Bureau

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the meeting held on in the village Tkaya

On October 28, Zugdidi Legal Aid Bureau consultant Nino Minjia attended the meeting organized by the Office of the Minister of State for Reconciliation and Civil Integration at a school in the village of Tkaya on the dividing line of Tsalenjikha municipality, as part of the National Action Plan for implementing the UN Security Council Resolutions on "Women, Peace, and Security".

The attorneys informed the students of their legal rights, as well as the criteria and the requirements for receiving free legal assistance, and office services. Issues of domestic abuse, violence against women, and women's rights received special emphasis.
Participants in the conference included representatives of the Human Rights Protection and Investigation Quality Monitoring Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as those of the Agency for State Care and Assistance for the Victims of Human Trafficking.