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Legal Aid Service Finally Moved on the Case Proceeding and Reporting Electronic System

Legal Aid Service successfully completed the update of Information System for Legal Case Proceeding Management as a result of which public lawyers of civil specialization, similar with lawyers of criminal specialization, will electronically carry out case proceeding and reporting. The update of CaseBank was implemented by Idea Design Group with financial support of UNDP and the EU.

With the aim to implement the updated computer program, on September 17-18, trainings were held for the LAS employees on the working skills in CaseBank. On September 19, Legal Aid Council officially approved the amendments made in CaseBank.

The Service faced the need to update the information system in 2015, when the public lawyers were obliged to work not only on criminal cases, but also on civil and administrative cases. The updated CaseBank will replace the former reporting forms which were filled in by the lawyers of civil specialization each month.

CaseBank was implemented in Legal Aid Service in 2014, with support of UNDP and the fund Open Society – Georgia. The computer program gathers the data about the cases accepted by the Service, rendered consultation and drafted documents. Through the program, it is possible to process and analyze data.