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The information campaign of the Legal Aid Service has ended in Martvili

The meeting held at the Martvili Assembly Hall on May 20 concluded the information campaign of the Legal Aid Service(LAS) - "Make the law accessible for everyone", which aims to raise legal awareness of the population.

The Director of the LAS, Razhden Kuprashvili, delivered a special presentation to the public regarding the LAS services for the victims of domestic violence/violence against women, the Code of the Rights of the Child, and the rights of persons with disabilities. In addition, the presentation covered the quality of the work done by the public lawyers and the projects in which the LAS lawyers provide highly qualified assistance to the beneficiaries.

The representatives of the Martvili Municipality, members of the Assembly, social services staff, and village authorities attended the meeting. 

Part of the gathered community joined the new project of the Legal Aid Service - "Paralegals", which will unite specially trained non-lawyers providing primary legal aid to the public.

The Legal Aid Service information campaign is supported by the Council of Europe (COE).